
Thursday 1 March 2012

Color My World Purple

I took on my friend M-R's challenge to explore with color this year.  I have decided to make a 12 inch monochromatic star each month.

February's color was purple.

Here is my purple star!

Last month I told you that I changed the fabrics around quite a bit before getting my red star just right.  

This month I had to dig through my stash and scraps to find just the right purple fabrics and auditioned almost every single one before I got it just right!  I even had my mom come over and help me!  I had a really hard time with values but I am really happy with my end result.  I think it looks very pretty.

Next month will be a HUGE challenge because the color is black!

Please head on over to Quilt Matters and see M-R's beautiful purple tulip!


  1. Ginette, your block looks fantastic! You nailed the values and it makes it look like the star is spinning. Very cool! March is going to be a beast, eh? ;)

  2. Your block is lovely - you're going to have a beautiful quilt at the end of the year!


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