
Sunday 10 June 2012


My daughter was invited to another birthday party, so she made another cushion.

She is getting really good at making these.  At only 6 years old, she already knows how to put right sides together and follow the edge of the foot to get that nice straight 1/4 inch seam allowance.  She is starting to get the hang of the iron, and this time, I showed her how to turn the cushion inside out and use the tool to get nice corners.  She even designed the embroidery herself on my computer and picked out her thread colors.  The only things she didn't do is cut the fabric and hand sew the opening closed.  She even let her little sister help her stuff it!

front of cushion

back of cushion

Her friend was thrilled with his gift and she is so proud of herself!  
So is her mama!!


  1. I think Emilie is going to be a sewer/quilter. I am a proud grandmaman.

  2. I love that your are passing on the passion already shared by the girls' Mom, Grandmom and Great Grandmom

    1. Thanks Sue! She is only 6 but I am already having so much fun creating things with her!

  3. Great job! What a great gift idea!


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