
Saturday 29 December 2012

One last Christmas gift to share

I have one last Christmas gift to share with you.  I would have shared it sooner but I forgot to take photos and so I had to ask my mom to take some for me.

I made my mom an iPad case. I knew this is what I wanted to give her for Christmas but couldn't decide on fabric.  So I flat out asked her for some fabric back in November (I think).  I told her it would be for her Christmas gift. So she gave me this awesome fabric she had stashed and didn't know what to do with.  Win, win!
 The case she received was attempt #2.  
I made a first one with a zip.  Well, I have never sewn a zipper before.  My zipper was a half inch too small for the width of the case, and so I couldn't get the iPad into the case. :(  My husband says we now have an extra large pencil case. Ha ha!

Enter panick mode, as I finished this first one on the 19th.  Only a few days left to make another!

Luckily, I had enough of her fabric left over, I cut some out using my new HexnMore ruler.  I had to find a new pattern though... no zippers this time!!!
I used this tutorial from One Shabby Chick.  It is a fantastic tutorial, so easy to follow!
One side
I stitched in the ditch for the quilting on the pieced side, and quilted lines the width of my foot on the velcro tab.
The other side
I echo quilted a little on the appliqued side and then added some embellishment stitches.

It would have been nice to have a nice slippery fabric like silk to use for the lining but I only had cotton on hand.  My mom has a cover on her iPad and so it is a little hard to get it in and out of the case.

The point was for her to have her iPad better protected when she travels to Florida this winter and I think it serves the purpose well.
The best part is that she likes it, that makes me smile!


  1. Very nice! The colours are gorgeous.

  2. How could she not LOVE it, Ginette. She chose the fabric and most importantly, her daughter made it!

    Win, win every time. Besides, it's gorgeous!


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