
Friday 15 March 2013

TGIFF - A wedding gift

Yesterday I finally delivered a late wedding gift to a friend. Joanna and I went to high school together (she was there when my husband and I first started dating!). We lost touch for a while but a few years ago we touched base again and she is now my hair stylist.

Joanna got married down south at the end of January and I really wanted to make something special for her and her new husband.

I found this design for my embroidery machine at the Embroidery Library, and stitched it on a solid white background.

Then I went out and bought this hanger.


I added a couple of borders and quilted it with invisible thread, and it became this:

I am linking up to TGIFF over at Dreaming in Patchwork. Head on over and check out more finishes!



Thank you so much for visiting and leaving a comment! I love to know what you think, and if you have any questions please ask!