
Wednesday 14 May 2014

WIP Wednesday - 05/14/2014

Well, it's been a long time since I've posted about my Works In Progress. I am still working on My BOM - Woodland Christmas. Although I am behind, I am still enjoying doing the hand appliqué every once in a while.

Here is where I am at with Block number 2:

I think I will be having more time to work on this project over the summer months.

Today I am binding this little mini quilt.

I will be sharing it on Friday as my TGIFF post.

Today I am linking up to WIP Wednesday over at TN&TN. Go check out what other Canadians are working on!



  1. I think those BOM blocks should really BOWYGTI (Block of the Whenever you get to it). I never quite manage to be on time with mine either... especially since I get one set of instructions for piecing and a second for quilting all in one month. Oh well... at least fabric doesn't have an expiration date!

  2. Both are gorgeous! Love the Woodland Christmas one the best probably because I'm all about Christmas!


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