
Tuesday 27 January 2015

Schnitzel and Boo Mini Quilt Swap, Round 3

I am slowly becoming addicted to swaps, specifically Instagram swaps. I love everything about it: making something for my partner, stalking their IG feeds and Pinterest boards, trying to figure out who is sending me something... It is all just too much fun!

My partner for round 3 of the Schnitzel and Boo Mini Quilt Swap received her mini yesterday so I thought I would share with you what I made her and a few of the steps I took to get there. First you should know that her favourite colour at the moment is teal and by checking out her pinterest boards, I saw that she liked geometric quilts, more specifically triangles.

So I went with flying geese and came up with my own little design.

flying geese design
flying geese design

I love making flying geese!

blue flying geese
blue flying geese

I really wanted to add in a little pop of colour so I went with pink.

I loved every part of making this quilt, even figuring out how to quilt it without having any knots in the middle of the quilt. I managed to do it by starting and stopping off on the sides... I love it when a plan comes together!


Swap package
Swap package

So this is what Gretchen received. That adorable little mini, a thread catcher and a little zipper pouch.

I am still patiently waiting for my mini to arrive but in the meantime, I have 2 other swaps I have signed up for! I told you I was slowly getting addicted to these things! The next one is a rainbow swap. I already have my partner's info and I know what I am making for her. Looking forward to sharing it with you!


1 comment:

  1. The mini you made is just so adorable Ginette! I've only participated in 1 swap and I have to say I'm not a big fan. I found the whole process a little stressful... From what to make, to wanting to make it perfectly, to figuring out what else to send with the item... Don't think I'll sign up for many. :-)


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