
Wednesday 25 January 2012

Getting ready!

I've been working on these little labels this week.  They're for the cuddle quilts we made for Mary.

See those red tweezers?  They are my new all-time favorite tool!!  I use them to help me cut the little threads between the letters on my embroidery.  I wish I had bought them ages ago! 

I am also getting ready this week... getting ready for our in-town retreat!
Our quilt group has a retreat at my mom's every winter.  I think this is the 4th year we do this.  It is nice to get together for 3 days and play with our fabric together in my mom's basement.  We have great meals together too, but we get to go home to our families and our own beds.

Friday is a PD day for my girls so my dad was going to watch them while I got to start on my projects.  When I told my 6 year old what our plans were for Friday, she told me she wanted to sew too!
I got so excited!  She made herself a little cushion back in the fall.  When I asked her what she wanted to make, she said she wants to make a bigger cushion.
Monday she came home with an invitation to a birthday party.  We decided she would make a small cushion for her friend too! 

So here is some of the fabric I've gotten ready for her projects...

And here are some of the projects I will be working on...

The photo above is a quilt for my bed I started about 4 years ago.  I really want to get it done so I can put it on my bed.  There is a pieced border made up of smaller stars.  I am still working on the smaller stars.

This photo is a jelly roll I have yet to get ready.  We are all making the The Jelly Roll 1,600 Quilt.
We have decided to all have our strips sewn end to end so we are ready to start sewing the rows together  on Saturday afternoon.  I will definitely post pics of the finished products!

I am also planning on working on my challenge for the Guild and maybe make some mug rugs or work on a table runner I have started, using hexies.

Looking forward to a great weekend with my quilty friends!!  Hope you have a great weekend too!

1 comment:

  1. A whole weekend to quilt sounds like heaven! Have a blast Ginette!


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